luni, 20 aprilie 2009

Taramul viselor ..

din ce in ce mai mult ,imi place sa blog uiesc .. in fiecare zi imi permit,o ora doua trei .. sa pun 2 3 cuvinte , pe o pagina alba , de sofran !cum se foloseau in zilele ,sau,in vremuriile vechi ,ale bunicii ! ..zilele colorate si acele zile minunate , alaturi de un ac ,ghem de ata .. cum se juca mitzi ,in curtea din spatele casei.
"Most" sau cel mai mult sau placea asfintitul ,sa-l privesc .. sus,pe deal,sa urc ating prin inima mea ,razale de soare,privind la caprioara de pe deal , la acel iepure .. sarind usor printre lastari! printre copacii aceia rari de munte,de deal si plus acel aer tare de medias >>

just i know whan the concestence is a life in this develovmoment

Monday, March 02, 2009

Fehlkonstruktion Mensch

Petition: Stop Animal Cruelty in Turkey

I thought "Earthlings" has put me over the edge, I thought "crush videos" did, but there is always more, more borders to break lose, more "goals to reach", especially when it comes to animal cruelty. For I can hardly think of anything more execrable than that.

One cannot fight anything which one cannot look into the eyes, so I'm trying to look at your fucking mess. And I can't do that without going mad.
What's the point in individuals like you to live?
I hate you so much, I could write a book about my hate, and I hate you even more for teaching me hate. It's so terrible that you're alive. I hope you die.

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j'aime j'o te creo a carr biensur a moan proisent derrier j;avec mon amour

luni, 2 martie 2009

Azi eu mi-am ales baba !

:) sau..m-ales "ea" ,pe mn ! lili,o iubesc pe lili ionescu (sa luati tabu) ce-a mai curajoasa ,revista de femei ! in materie de moda,shopp ing bussniess si carriera ..tot ce tine , de trand-ul fetelor istetze si curajoase ,dar acum vreau sa incep ,sa termin cu ce am vrut sa incep !

Sarcina de serviu ! ;) lili ..

a primit zilele trecute un experiment ,sa-i zicem un mod mai clasic si revolutionar prin care se poate ,ingriji ..o femeie frumoasa ,asadar ,o avem ,pe lili care trebuie sa treaca acestui test sa-i zicem .. experiment tabu !

A inceput cu prima s-a zi in caare s-a gandit ca in felul ,asta in prima zi de vineri seara sa inceapa ,cu o imbaiere foarte placuta si relaxanta,o baie fierbinte .. cu uleiuri aromate,fine si relaxante dar nu inainte de a se juca cu micutza sirena ..adica fetita ei ,in varsta de 2 3 anisori ..

Canapeaua Rosie ..

Interviu Exclusiv Me !

Am trecut printr-o zi mai putin ,obisnuita ..M-am chinuit si am muncit,pana am strans recoltele necesare! ..metaforic spun ,dc ? pentru ca de cativa ani,bn incoa' asa m-am "mai" obishnuit sa fiu in ton cu tendintzele,de moda .. trand! Bunastare ..o anumita conduita remarcata cu sine ..

In gen
Norisori Albastrii si Struguri cu capsune .. un cock tail de invidiat "cum se zice pe la noi " ,si pe la farmacie .. tricotajul ,de pe hainutza e facut ,de mine .. am de ce ,sa ma laud .. o anumita combinatzie despre vinil-inscriptionata cu piese de bumbacel mahon .. la fel,cum am si culoarea parului iar culoarea tenului mai maslinie ! folosesc farduri,dar nu prea dese,asta sa-mi evidentzieze ,doar partiile esential ..

Telegrama cu vis de femeie ..ultima carte citita ! ramanand un vis cutremurator dintre o viatza salbatik si un trecut glorios in patima pasiunii,cazand vrand sa spun ,de [e o prapastie,pe cealalta si ne mai intalnita perioada ," adolescentina pura " :P , care in zilele noastre ,lipseste cu desavarsire ,din tabloidele pictate ale lui Van Gogh,care dc . s-ar rasuci ,in mormant ,numai dc . ar vedea cam cat de mare e aceasta "tara" gradina in care traim,respiram (un fel,de-a spune ) si mai si speram ..un lucru mare intr-o tara mica ! Adriana

vineri, 27 februarie 2009

cand iubirea-i oarba "

dar cand ma tem de trecut si vreau
( ) 
sa se intample ,astept o parte din mine sa ma urmareasca 
dar cand totul o ia razna ,ultima mea dorinta , care ma sileste sa fuck , o lume ,mai intai ,e partea care ma sperie ,cel mai mult .. 

am pierdut-prefer sa recit cate o predica ,in fiecare seara ,dar ma tem de control si de lumea ,din Jur si sa nu ma gandesc ..

dar cand ma tem de trecut,si vreau , sa uit 

nu sunt idei , e un moment de reconciliere ma uit ,in jur ...privesc luna de aici 

Cand Iubirea i Oarba !

Seductie fatala

e ca o furtuna risipita de valuri ,dragostea e asemeni unui copil "nebun" ,cu valuri de iubire si crini fluturi,dragostea ..e precum un crin-alb  

inocent nemuritor e precum o crima facuta din pasiune,precum marea "infidela" e precum o dulce amagire, o furtuna risipita-n marea albastra a unui val imens,facut din pasiune ,o mare albastra, a unui copil "nebun" , trezita de valuri inocente 
                                                                    cu luna sihastra

era si timpul ..o mica parte din mine e precum luna exuberanta si nisipul-fin,pe care-l simt mangaind  cu degetele ,si ocolind si rascolind nisipul-fin rasfirat printre nopti-albe si fierbinti rascolind intreaga fiinta ,goala si nesupusa ,dominata doar de iubire de nisipul-fin ,doar de trupuriile ,noastre luminate de luna si de stelele din ,inalt ul cerului..spre un infinit nemarginit ,la fel ca si de un val facut din pasiune cazut ,pe aripile mele de inger ..fiecare inceput
e precum un vis caruia,nu-i pasa de trecut ci doar de simpl ul sarut (al unui inceput) de iubire,de experimentat de inima,de mai mult (de intensitate cu care-mi traiesc dorinta ascunsa ..) stranie ,de a experimenta intreaga mea viata  - trup suflet -si am doar o   jumatate ..langa mn ,intinsa doar pe nisip cu trupul gol de care trebuie sa profit cat mai mult un simplu sarut,imi doresc sa-l simt intens ,sa-i simt trupul in mine,sa-i simt fiintza cu toata dorinta mea ascunsa ..frustrata si pudica ,universul meu ,ma v-a domina 
insfarsit ,ma voi lasa ,dominata de instinctele mele dominatoare ale seductiei fatale a unui ..copil "nebun " ,invaluit ,de o pasiune neinteleasa spre care ma indrept ,spre un instinct fizic ,ce ma ispiteste , de dorintza ~ intreaga fiinta 
ce te duce spre un sentiment mult mai along , 
care e mult mai mult ..decat ..un ..sarut fatal si nebun salbatic is just a land of love ,of a free  world of my wish a red-rosse,is a secret just a secret of my life...
ce ma leaga de 
- trecut - !

Sunt un copil "nebun" de viatza ,
.. si plin de sperantza .. 
Te iubesc iubirea mea ,
Asa cum iubesc cerul salbatic ,
Asa cum te iubesc ,pe tine cand esti langa mine ..sperand la o viatza alaturi de tine,de un univers imens .. traiesc 
respir precum un trandafir ..
o dragoste nemarginita ,un ocean ferece
Fara Tine as muri,
Fara Tine nu as simti ..

oceanul din viatza mea , daca nu as stii .. ca esti TU 

                    Dragostea mea

miercuri, 25 februarie 2009

la ce sa visam !

Surprinshi prin a decadea dintr-o lume plina de vicii, dorintze ascunse si virtuti Anglia isi capitula regatul impreuna cu Eleaonor shi Fiii Libertatzii curtezana la British Empire ,decaland in timp ,in Boston ..

Viatza-i o virtute in mainiile regatului ,totusi satisfactzia pe care o ai impreuna cu divizarea au concis relativ cu impartirea unor reforme altruiste,manifestate printr-o negociere aspra cu ceaiul din Anglia !

Revelatia dominatoare impusa la Palat cerea Reguli Depline pentruu Fii Libertatii Moderne din ceainariile obstesti,domneshti , fauriti poate , de o "regula interzisa" , aceea sw a salva poporul de la o abolire british way ..cum se spune pe romaneste "nu ne temem de trecut ,ne temem de ignoranta "
nu sunt un ipocrit scriu doar ce gandesc intr-o lume fara vise demne idealuri marete si ceaiuri fierbinti ,nu ma tem , de necunoscut ,ma tem , de falsa ideologie ..a unora dintre , pretendetii farisei democratici ai lumii ai societatii post-modelate doar in ochiii unora dintre noi
cr vor sa para docmatici si lipsitzi ,chiar de cele ,mai elementare chestii deontologice si post-moderniste , ai sec . 21 adica decenta bun-simt nu in totalitate,doar substantial !o noua speranta intr-o lume delizorie fara suflet,(fara

tu trimiti eu permit o noua lume prinsa,intre feerie mit si sperantza o lume iluzorie intr-o divina comedie ..eruditi financiar,inrobiti de trecut ,o luam ,iar de la capat ,cu sperantza ! :)

vineri, 20 februarie 2009

Intre Iubire

seamana a fi o melodrama,viatza in viziunea ei,nu e tocmai,pe intelesul meu,de la instincte animalice,la instincte demonice ,sado-maso,proliferari artisti-khikciuri ,nimicuri ..relansez un nou mit,delibero-dramaturgie "every thing is move too fast" cum spunea o zicala !

mit - fantezie

ce astept de la viata asta sunt o supra-dozare,real
rostul ei,pentru care ma zbucium intr-atat incat demonizata cum sunt ,vreau cv pur !iluzoriu

ma intreb sa traiesc ,in regret ,in imaginatia bolnavicioasa pe care oricat mi-as dori o lume incarcata numai si mortuara pe cat posibil,n-am gasit alt cuvant iubire pura dragost eterna ,
am gasit , imaginatzie paranoia schizofrenie toate in mintea unui ucigas platit la ce sa ma gandesc o iluzie

sâmbătă, 14 februarie 2009

Sufletele pereche

Sufletele pereche

Romeo si Julieta

Foarte multe cupluri, foarte multi indragostiti, folosesc expresia "este sufletul meu pereche" dar foarte multi nu stiu exact despre ce e vorba si ce implica regasirea sufletului pereche.
Se spune ca sufletele pereche au trait candva o iubire atat de puternica intr-una din vietile anterioare, incat se intalnesc si in actuala viata, iar iubirea lor este la fel de profunda si intensa si reprezinta o continuare a dragostei de atunci.
Sufletele pereche sunt acele fiinte care de-a lungul mai multor vieti si-au creat o karma pozitiva si li se mai da o sansa de a se intilni in aceasta viata, pentru a se ajuta reciproc, pentru a lucra la un proiect comun. Se regasesc pentru ca au ceva sa-si transmita sau sa-si predea unul altuia pentru o evolutie pozitiva in aceasta viata. Rareori se intalnesc pentru a evolua alaturi intr-o viata comuna!
Sufletele pereche se intalnesc intr-un moment critic al existentei lor, unde s-au blocat si nu mai pot evolua spiritual, iar regasirea si iubirea dintre ei are drept scop sa-i ajute sa se deblocheze si sa-si continue menirea spirituala. Intalnirea cu sufletul pereche are un rol in destin: ne schimba viata, viziunea asupra vietii, modul de a intelege destinul, sau rolul lui este concret: ne ajuta sa depasim o mare proba, a venit sa ne arate o cale, sa ne atraga atentia asupra unui pericol.
Cum il recunosti?
Exista un sentiment aparte care iti poate indica faptul ca fata de acest om ai o altfel de atractie decat pentru alte persoane. Nu e doar atractia fizica, sexuala, emotionala, ci relatia de acest tip trece dincolo de senzatiile trupesti sau psihice. Dar regasirea sufletului pereche este si dureroasa: poti simti dureri fizice daca nu esti cu el, dorul poate fi imens, sentimentul ca nu sunteti impreuna poate fi foarte greu de suportat, depui un efort supraomenesc stiindu-l departe.
Putem citi in multe carti de astrologie despre sufletele surori, dar in nicio carte nu am gasit o metoda clara de determinare a regasirii sufletelor surori.
Din punct de vedere astrologic sinastria celor doi ar trebui sa evidentieze o serie de superpozitii, sa existe 5-6 elemente karmice de regasire a sufletelor surori. Totusi, sunt multe cupluri care au 6-7 aspecte si conjunctii karmice iar relatia lor este departe de o dragoste nepamanteana.
Intrebarea este cum putem fi siguri ca avem de-a face cu o regasire a sufletelor perechi? Un element extrem de important de la care ar trebui sa pornim este sa observam daca in harta natala exista sansa de a intalni un suflet sora. Acest indiciu este dat de Soare, Luna sau Venus in conjunctie sau trigon cu Pluton, sau daca una dintre aceste planete personale se afla in casa VIII. Atunci cand in hartile natale ale celor doi exista aceasta posibilitate de a intalni un suflet sora putem merge mai departe cu analiza sa vedem daca exista acele elemente care sa indice ca pot fi suflete pereche.
In sinastrie (suprapunerea celor doua harti astrale, notate mai departe cu [1] si [2]) sunt o serie de superpozitii si elemente karmice care pot indica o regasire a sufletelor surori. Conjunctiile karmice, in care Soarele, Luna, Venus sau Ascendentul din [1] se suprapun peste Saturn din [2] este un indiciu al regasirii sufletelor surori. Axa Nodurilor Lunare in opozitie sau Nodul Nord [1] in conjunctie cu Luna sau Ascendentul [2] reprezinta un alt indiciu al regasirii sufletelor surori.
Dar toate aceste superpozitii nu iti pot garanta ca ti-ai gasit sufletul pereche. Daca cercetam tema noastra cu a cunoscutilor nostri exista posibilitatea sa gasim unele din aceste indicii. Relatiile in care intervin indiciile date de Saturn sunt fascinante si uneori chinuitoare.
Dar te vei intreba care sunt acele elemente care sa duca la completarea celor doi si ce poate adeveri faptul ca cei doi sunt suflete pereche? Greu de spus. Intre cei doi ar trebui sa existe o complementaritate remarcabila la toate nivelurile: fizic, emotional si spiritual. Un prim punct de plecare ar fi casa VIII care arata legaturile profunde dintr-o alta viata. Soarele, Luna sau Venus [1] aflate in casa VIII [2] arata o reintoarcere a unei iubiri din trecut. Cat de intensa si profunda a fost aceasta iubire o arata aspectele pe care le face planeta respectiva din VIII. Un aspect foarte puternic ar fi dubla superpozitie Soare - Luna (adica conjunctia Soare [1] - Luna [2] concomitent cu Soare [2] - Luna [1]), fapt ce arata ca intre cei doi exista o intelegere mutuala si o mare armonie si un sentiment de fuziune profunda la toate nivelele, nu doar la cel fizic. Intr-un fel acest interaspect reface unitatea androginului, mitologic omul fiind initial bisexual si ulterior Divinitatea separandu-l in doua elemente distincte (barbat si femeie) care se cauta indefinit de-a lungul reincarnarilor ca doua jumatati ale unui talisman magic. Ne putem intreba daca nu cumva acest interaspect e un indiciu major al unor suflete pereche... dar probabil ca nu e suficient.
Un alt aspect foarte puternic in sinastrie este Piramida care se formeaza intre planetele personale dintre [1] si [2] (putem sa-l includem si pe Saturn). De exemplu Soarele [1] la 15 grade Taur, cu Marte [1] la 16 grade Fecioara si cu Luna [2] la 14 grade Capricorn formeaza o Piramida. Intre cei doi exista o legatura speciala. Exista o mare armonie si intelegere, se completeaza unul pe celalalt la toate nivelurile.
Un alt indiciu extrem de important in regasirea sufletelor surori este dat de Vertex. Vertexul indica regasirea sufletelor surori in sinastrie, unirile predestinate. Poate fi o confirmare a regasirii sufletului pereche atunci cand mai exista si alte indicii de regasire. Daca axa Nodurilor Lunare arata trecutul comun (Nodul Sud) sau o legatura care va continua si in viata viitoare (Nodul Nord), Vertexul [1] in conjunctie stransa cu Soarele, Luna, Venus sau chiar Junon din harta celuilalt [2] indica intalnirile predestinate, regasirea a doua suflete surori care au mai trait deja experiente relationale in alte vieti si care se reintalnesc pentru a-si continua relatia acum si in aceasta viata.
De asemenea, el poate fi declansatorul acestor regasiri. Vertexul este un punct in harta natala care poate fi activat doar de planetele in tranzit. Atunci cand Jupiter, Saturn sau Nodul Nord in tranzit trece peste Vertex, iar Soarele sau Venus in tranzit sunt in conjunctie cu Vertexul sau cu punctul opus (anti-Vertexul) pot avea loc regasirile celor doua suflete pereche.
Mai sunt si alte indicii date de harta compusa dintre cei doi, a caror existenta este extrem de importanta pentru a da siguranta interpretarii. In tema compusa, un indiciu tipic al regasirii sufletelor surori este conjunctia Soare - Venus. Poate e prea mult spus daca i-am spune un indiciu de validare, dar este o confirmare a indiciilor gasite in sinastria celor doi ca sunt suflete pereche.
In tema compusa a doua suflete surori asteroidul relational Amor care reprezinta iubirea spirituala, iubirea neconditionata, marea iubire, va fi intr-o casa unghiulara si/sau in aspect (conjunctie, sextil sau trigon) cu Soarele sau Venus.
Chiar daca simti ca ti-ai gasit sufletul pereche, nu este obligatoriu ca de aici sa iasa o casatorie. Intalnirea cu sufletul pereche poate dura de la cateva ore pana la cativa ani, dar ni se ofera sansa de a invata o lectie de destin extrem de importanta. Relatia nu beneficiaza intotdeauna de happy-end, desi se spune ca este o binecuvantare sa-ti intalnesti sufletul pereche si nu ai dreptul sa ratezi aceasta sansa. Intalnirea cu sufletul pereche este un eveniment unic in viata. Unii nici nu au aceasta ocazie, asa ca trebuie sa te consideri o persoana norocoasa daca in aceasta viata ai posibilitatea sa-ti cunosti jumatatea.
Autor: Ana

Someone have to pay 4 his life

some wone need to crush his life in detriment of himself 4all things his life bad or good !
but the life is just a game who play with us favour of her just every thing his propose to joke 4 life for himself ..and i wonder ,its just .. a movie ..a dream ...a plain tooo catch or just a simple tarrget too follow in this

follow me in this cruel life follow me ordinary run if u can run if u want but u can't hide 4from me
sorrowder .. amd never send a sheep to kill wolf ;P because ur u r adecouse in my mind "

i belive i can see the futere i creed and i thing .. to hv a propouse ,to hv a voice its just a simple way to damned to someone now and in next life if u wanted get a cold in the rain just a titis near to u to understands.

miercuri, 4 februarie 2009

far away- let me take you far away from this big town ]my little star [

S:One Million Dollar Baby

let me take you far away
you'd like me far away
you'd like my holly day

stay in my arm and fly away
sing in my side ,
by side .. >

living my life
away story end .

cap . 2

story end and find away ,
my verry style ,
and my fashionable way ,
milky [way] >

To exchange,
my beauty nes
and my sweet nes

vers 1 let me take you far


you trouble some way ,
for my sitting dark ,
my witch is far away in tm ,
like ur holly day
our excheange for some lv ..

let me take you far away love is in my way
flying winds

sâmbătă, 31 ianuarie 2009

Black dress to impress


Despre noi

Principiile după care ne ghidăm sunt următoarele:

Să oferim o experienţă pozitivă, de neuitat tuturor clienţilor noştri

Să oferim produse care să menţină gradul de excelenţă impus până acum.

Să gândim inovativ, dar să acţionăm practic.

Să găsim alături de colaboratorii noştri resursele propice satisfacerii clienţilor.

Să oferim un spaţiu de muncă reconfortant şi să ne tratăm angajaţii cu respect.

Să ne implicăm în proiecte ce vizează comunitatea în care trăim.

Ghidati dupa aceste principii am reusit sa dezvoltam o retea de 29 de cafenele, in 15 orase, din intreaga tara si un centru de evenimente: Turabo Grand Ballroom. Pregatim pentru luna iunie lansarea unui concept inovator inovator in tara noastra: Turabo Society Club. Acesta va grupa: un centru de evenimente, un club, un restaurant, o cafenea si o piscina. Ne mandrim cu cei 300 de angajati, numerosii colaboratori ai companiei sau oamenii alaturi de care ne simtim aproape prin proiectele sociale dezvoltate.

Lantul de cafenele Turabo Cafe

Controlat de omul de afaceri Tudor Dragomir Niculescu, va ajunge la sfarsitul anului 2008 la 35 de unitati, fata de 26 de locatii estimate pentru acest an in urma unor investitii de 2 milioane de euro. Compania care opereaza restaurantele Turabo a achizitionat recent noua cafenele Dark, aflate in cadrul hipermarketurilor Real. Potrivit conducerii companiei, preluarea cafenelelor face parte din procesul de extindere al Turabo Cafe. "Ne aflam pe o piata in care spatiile comerciale care se incadreaza in standardele noastre sunt limitate, iar tranzactia ne-a oferit posibilitatea de a ne mari portofoliul cu o cifra deloc de neglijat. Mai mult de atat, pozitia foarte buna a cafenelelor in cadrul hipermarketurilor a fost un argument in plus", a declarat Tudor Dragomir Niculescu, presedintele grupului Turabo Cafe."



Se zice ca nu se compara mere cu pere.
Atunci cum se compara media obtinuta de un absolvent de la Politehnica cu media unui absolvent de la Sport?
Raspunsul este simplu:
Si atunci de ce sa nu comparam merele cu perele, dim moment ce fiecare are un numar de calorii?
Nu se compara vacile cu porcii?
Daca o vaca are 500Kg si un parc are 100Kg, inseamna ca O VACA = 5 PORCI...
Cat de frumos!



vineri, 30 ianuarie 2009

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Fashion and Dunst

The Substance of Marie Antoinette

"The Coppola ideal is a young girl trapped in fustiness: she can be an object of voyeurism without a trace of lewdness, and remain spiritually intact even when accessorized."

Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette (2006) is as creative and original as a fashion shoot — which is to say very, judging by the standards of Vogue. Right now, fashion is more consistently ingenious than film — its storylines are tighter, the range of references more unexpected. Look at US Vogue's recent tribute to The Wizard of Oz (1939), styled by the great Grace Coddington: a parade of stunning, macabre images of artists Kara Walker and Francesco Clemente, which ends with a shot of Chuck Close unveiled as the Great Pretender. The quoting of wondrous lines ("We hear he is a whiz of a wiz/If ever a wiz there was") within the stern typescript, the fearsome depictions of the tornado and winged monkey, and finally the image of a decaying and haunted Close, surrounded by puffs of green smoke, are magnificently conceived. It might be dismaying to admit, but this layout was as moving and magical as any film of the last year.

Keira Knightley as DorothyOf course, the fact that Dorothy (Keira Knightley, right) happens to be wearing several of the season's dresses could be seen as either a coup, or a necessary evil. This is a moment when fashion photography has developed its own, dazzlingly confident vocabulary. A paper cup tilted in the hand of a model gives an entire page a feeling of weightlessness; a suit of armor placed next to a figure causes us to re-etch the contours of the body. In Vogue, all shots come with witty and apt captions — as concise as headlines in The Economist — while a review of, say, a new accessories collection is indistinguishable from high art ("all the force of Giannini's talent compressed into four inches of bright sequence … the flower, Giannini's latest derivation from her talismanic Flora print."1) Last year, the magazine even had the audacity to stage an homage to Todd Haynes' Safe (1995), turning that film's critique of passivity into a glamorously neutral code of dressing. In this shoot, Coddington managed to create an aesthetics of frigidity, emphasizing the blank stare of the model and her disconnection with her partner. It's almost as if there's no subject, no mood which can't be converted into a desirable "aura" — whether it's apathy, or asexuality. That fashion has mastered not only film but politics is evident in what must be the designer feat of the decade: the PETA Coat. This is an enormous mink jacket, intended to bait spray-painting activists for PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.) However, it is dyed from top to bottom in electric graffiti colors, creating not only a spectacular garment, but one invulnerable to attack. Protestors are invited to get out their paint cans, but the coat turns their arguments into just another layer of noise. Angry comments merely decorate the surface of the coat, enhancing its multi-colored design. It's a diabolical object, in that it turns good will on its head: political correctness becomes a game of Othello, in which the meaning of one's actions is flipped and reversed.

Marie Antoinette doesn't have the level of imagination of either the Wizard of Oz shoot, or the PETA coat. Nevertheless, it's a striking and consistently thought-out set of images: in other words, a fashion "story." In fashion, a "story" refers to the visual theme of a shoot: a photographer and stylist come up with a scenario, locations and casting, and maybe a couple of unlikely reference points. Though it might seem trifling, even elements that are off-camera — the soundtrack and fragrance, for instance — are planned to sustain the mood. Coppola's film has the tone and basic aims of a fashion story. It has a meticulously planned look, which balances cohesive and jarring elements. It has an array of "influences," although its main inspiration appears to be the videos of '80s British bands: the powdered fops and duchesses of a New Wave clip. Coppola's is a carefully styled version of New Romance: a kind of English burlesque where people get dressed up but never look staid, mainly everyone is so young. There are enough tangential ideas thrown in to keep things interesting. From time to time, moody atmospherics are injected through a modern soundtrack — The Cure and Bow Wow Wow — while the cast list is self-consciously eclectic. Actors tend to be seen as cultural references rather than performers; there's a group of classy stalwarts and eccentrics (Aurore Clement, Judy Davis), as well as a couple of incongruous names (Steve Coogan and Molly Shannon) whose presence signifies modern intentions, if nothing else. As the Austrian Empress, Marianne Faithfull is less of a character than a pop aristocrat, presiding over the disordered set of a film clip. Most of the film is devoted to women cooing over pretty things — jeweled cameos and pink sugar crystals — but even here Coppola shows a surprising amount of self-awareness. The director's own image is at stake when we see Marie Antoinette (Kirsten Dunst) as a dilettante taking up artistic pursuits. The queen even has a "bohemian" phase, in which she switches to expensively simple and natural clothes — not unlike Coppola's reputation as a fashionista.

There's no doubt that Coppola creates a very rarefied mood, in which unusual music is matched with a specific era of design. Even the last shot, with the palace thrown into disarray, is an album cover. But is this the work of a director with vision, or a good stylist? Coppola has made a career out of mix-ups that sound interesting conceptually — Japan and ennui, royalty and pop — but is there anything beyond the excitement of the initial disconnect? She invents themes which seem intriguing on a production level, but these are rarely followed through, and in my opinion, don't add up to a film. Marie Antoinette is a less frustrating film than Lost in Translation (2003), in that frivolity is its actual subject, but both movies are odes to pop set against blurry backgrounds. Each film has a mysterious or unexpected setting, with a precedent in music videos. However, in Lost in Translation, Coppola isn't much interested in Japan, other than as a stylist's backdrop. The Japanese exist only to inspire deadpan reaction shots from Bill Murray — but as Murray showed in Groundhog Day (1993), one doesn't need to go to Japan to get a sea of unresponsive faces. Japan merely provides a color scheme, and an opportunity to take neon stills, in the way that a blue-screen Tokyo might be used in a fashion shoot. Like the Versailles of Marie Antoinette, its ceremonies are viewed ironically, by a privileged figure.

When it comes to her protagonists, Coppola also has distinct visual preferences. Her boys are limp youths — figures of sexless sensitivity, like Prada models (elongated, they remind me of white asparagus.) Her central female is girlish and untouched, in a way that's very close to advertising — in the opening shot of Scarlett Johansson's panties in Translation, my first thought was: Calvin Klein. This girl tends to be slightly feline, airy rather than vague, and beautifully presented — in this sense, Kate Moss in Coppola's White Stripes video is a more perfect example than either Dunst or Johansson.2 It will be interesting to see if Coppola's heroines ever age, given the merciless treatment of Kathleen Turner in The Virgin Suicides (1999) and the haranguing voice of Bill Murray's wife in Translation. The Coppola ideal is a young girl trapped in fustiness: she can be an object of voyeurism without a trace of lewdness, and remain spiritually intact even when accessorized.

If there's an actress who could bring this impossible combination to life, it's Kirsten Dunst. In half a dozen films, Dunst has been able to show us the charm of giddy high spirits, as well as the underlying anxiety. However, in Marie Antoinette, she's implacable; Dunst has never seemed more remote than in her two films for Coppola. Marie Antoinette makes us long for the smashed palace at the end: something to break through its stylish sensibility. What the film needed was a performance which exposed self-involvement, while letting us feel immersed and attracted by it.

That Dunst had the ability to pull off such a role can be seen in her previous films — she came closer to Marie Antoinette with her flighty, touchingly young Marion Davies in The Cat's Meow (2001). She has also given the best interpretation of a Charlie Kaufman character, in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004). For a man whose plots run with ideas, Kaufman's scripts seem to attract unusually stiff acting. The leads in his films tend to be either numb (Nicolas Cage, Jim Carrey), or pleasantly formal (Meryl Streep, Catherine Keener, Tilda Swinton.) In Streep's case, the technical approach is understandable. With her roles in Adaptation (2002) and the Farrellys' Stuck on You (2003), Streep seems to have become almost a signifier of professional acting; no longer a strictly "representational" actor, she becomes an exciting casting possibility. Directors seem taken with the idea of using "the greatest actress of all time" in a trivial part — relying on her to give depth and shading to lightness. Casting Streep is a way to fill out a corner of a film: with a super-stylized version of a psychologist/cult writer/fashion editor. However, in Adaptation, Streep's performance is too careful and steady: she doesn't embrace the comic potential of inhabiting a fiction within a fiction. In Being John Malkovich, Cameron Diaz doesn't make the most of being in a cage, nor does Catherine Keener convey the full exhilaration of meeting in the body of Malkovich. Even Kate Winslet in Eternal Sunshine squanders some of the best Kaufman lines: for instance, "Hide me in your humiliation." Clementine could have been a classic screwball role — one in a long line of comic amnesiac women. There could have been a painful but consistent humor in her seeming not to recognize Jim Carrey; her wit could have hurt him, and us. The script works on so many levels it demands the skills of a Stanwyck: Clementine is a blithe girl keeping company with an impossible man — a happily forgetful woman with a tearing emotional streak underneath.

Only Dunst grasps the intrinsic weirdness of the film's device — and she plays to it again and again. While staying in character, Dunst never forgets the incredible situation that frames her: that she's an amnesiac working in a lab that deletes memories from minds. Carrey and Winslet seem to think the premise carries itself, and the other actors are po-faced, but Dunst goofs off. She hurls herself around, tripping over the brain-melding equipment and slumping over comatose bodies, in the manner of a chronic camp artist. One critic remarked that she was like Mary Pickford come back to life,3 and that's apt: she's a child-faced actor with extraordinary instincts when it comes to both playfulness and drama. The most emotional moment in Kaufman occurs when we realize that this "free spirit" is a girl who has repeatedly erased pain from her mind, but keeps encountering it freshly, crying out in anguish each time.

Yet, like Pickford, Dunst tends to be starry rather than naturalistic: there is something distinctly nostalgic about her presence. It may not be a coincidence that her best scenes so far have been acted in front of mirrors: waving a silvery dress in front of her reflection in The Cat's Meow, hamming for publicity shots in Spider-Man (2002), and vamping before the light-bulbs in Spider-Man 2 (2004). Her shots look like stills from silents; she has the pallor of another era — as seen in The Cat's Meow, where she's a very young girl protective of the womanizing Chaplin, and in Interview with the Vampire (1994), as the poor child crying in dismay. Early on, she seemed like a throwback to the '30s, with the weariness of a child put through the star system: as a fastidious kid in Little Women (1994), and the strange, starched little doll in Vampire. As an adult, Dunst has oddly internalized the spirit of the flapper in nearly all her roles — even in teen movies. In Bring It On (2000), her character seemed less like a cheerleader than a starlet — it was as if a teen girl could really be that spirited, yet the ego was never disguised.

I was interested to read that Dunst felt Gwyneth Paltrow's interpretation of Sylvia Plath was incorrect. According to her, Sylvia (2003) failed because Plath was "a girl who wanted to hurt. She wanted to feel terrible…I felt like, in the movie, it was more like, ‘I'm the victim!' It should have been more that she liked to create all this shit in her head. She was crazier."4 So many biopics seem frightened of exposing their subjects' self-involvement, or of disrupting the fantasy of genius. A rigorous examination of motive would be needed to play the part Dunst has often talked about: Jean Seberg. The early Seberg — a girl drawn quickly into sophistication — is something a dozen actresses could take on. However, the later history requires a more complex approach. As the adult Seberg — a woman who wanted to hurt and did hurt — an actor would have to acknowledge a tendency towards drama, without losing sympathy for the character. The film might also address the subject's concerns with image, turning from a waif into a mature woman: letting us see the vanity as well as the intensity. It's a role that needs an actress like Dunst, unwilling to settle for the myth and look — but maybe not a director like Coppola.


1. Sarah Mower, "The New Gucci," Vogue, 195:12 (2005), 186.

2. As an instance of "girlie" art, I find the video for Kylie Minogue's "Chocolate" (right) much more beautiful and suggestive of an interior female world than Coppola's work. Like Coppola, British sculptor-turned-director Dawn Shadforth creates a look assembled from obvious references (Robert Altman among them), but she also has a remarkably close feeling for bodies and textures — particularly outstretched arms and backs — and isn't afraid to cut according to the climax of the song. It's a rapturous piece of film — how many videos aim to be "hypnotic" these days?

3. Stephanie Bunbury, "Little Miss Imperfect," The Age, October 30 2005:

4. Agencies, "I Would Have Been Better than Gwyneth: Dunst," Sydney Morning Herald, March 9 2004

May 2007 | Issue 56
Copyright © 2007 by Lesley Chow

ALSO: More directors

joi, 29 ianuarie 2009

Rosul Secret !

Funditze Rosii si Copii Extraordinari isi insusesc talentele,Scufitza Rosie pacalita de Lup , canta si topaie,odata cu copiii uitati ,de la scoala nr . 13 .

Scoala isi strange alocatiile copiilor pt . a putea constui un acoperis ,deasupra si pentru ,

a le putea , intinde ,cei cr detin ,minim 200 de lei vechi ..l multzumim !

Traim cu dorintza in inimii,ca ii vom ,putea ajuta,daca nu ,

cu mult .. Macar cu strictul necesar si de a le putea asigura ! tot ce au nevoie ..pentru ca un gest frumos , nu costa ..

Asa ca le-am pregatit ,o piesa "Scufitza Rosie" ..

vineri, 23 ianuarie 2009

Tainele vietzii

Sunt o groaza de cuvinte ,in lumea intreaga si o groaza ,de cuvinte ce trebuie exprimate ,mi-am dat-seama,ca nu tre' sa dramatizezi,o singura clipa nu este o singura simbolistica,ce trebuie ,manifestata , timp , de un veac-aievea ,ci ca i trilogie supra anecdotei " vulpea si ursul " ..o singura imagistica,sur[prinde asupra nationalitatii umanilaterale, credinta si simbolul vietii vesnice ,taine datini si obiceiuri ,cuprind lumea,cu frumusetiile ei ! istoria si patria ..

joi, 22 ianuarie 2009

ശിഇന്ഗ് star

i find a place ..welli m everythings hear music in my dream,my life,music to my soul,to fly away over the sky,and to milky is love

To The Gruve,know and for3ever,qoodness simplycity,is powever to the club !To the club,and tonight ..dancing ! sins 4 ,lifes,future and glams,4 ever saving divins fall ing spring

vineri, 16 ianuarie 2009

cand iubesti cu sufletul,ma iubesti pe mine !
cand iubesti cu inima , te iubesti ,pe tine !
cand iubesti ascuns , iubesti puternic !
cand iubesti o clipa ,iubesti infinitul !
cand iubesti , o picatura, iubesti tot oceanul !

cand iubesti ploaia , iubesti cerul si curcubeul !
cand iubesti ,iubesti o floare ,frunzele si o amintire ,amintirea celui care ,te iubeste si te va putea iubi in burnitza densa ,in urma unor grinzi puternice sau a unei intemperii, unui ocean nemarg.

Iubesti fata celui care te saruta , iubesti clabucii moderni ai unei ore,pierdute in noapte in baia , cu apa-fiebinte si relaxante a cititului a binecunostintei, relaxare
cu ochii deschisi visand ,la mersul-trenurilor , a unui vagon ! ..

Un om citind o carte ,intru ,dau binete, si ma asez .. doar o clipa , si imi , tresar in gand clipe de fericire ! sunt,iar,in Tren,in Vagonul 31.20 Peronul Iasi,pornesc gonind in viteza,spre locul-destinat.
Dar,da omul din Tren,ma serveste-politicos,cu o serafie cu ciocolata,isi scoate jobenul, imi ia delicat mana ..o saruta,in semn,de respect,si ne continuam,drumul,se intituleaza, Contele Dracula ..Ion Luca Caragiale !

Rad:- vb . serios ! ..
Contele Dracula : -Da,si te voi .. duce,spre ,locurile, misterioase nemaivazute de nimeni,pana-acum !Tindzant sa cred ..
Rad: :) Zambete ,fii conciliant si spune-mi, cat dureaza ,pana spre Iasi-Mincesti..
Contele Dracula : in jur de 3 . oo ore .. ! tacere totala .. ! timp de 2 :30 .

Era imbracat cu un costum,din timpurile stravechi,un costum-negru,elegant,fin si cu un pahar-de-vin. Deodata,ma trezesc ,la realitate .. se opreste,trenul,la prima statie ..iar,eu,imi vad in continuare,de treaba ! Contele Dracula,nc . nu ma baga ,in seama .. ii dau serafia cu ciocolata, ii multumesc .si imi continui uitat-ul pe fereastra intetosata a vagonului-sertar Nu e nc o problema.

Se inchid usile, compartementelor ,se porneshte , se urneshte spre destinatie si Contele Dracula ,inchide usita de la noi,din compartiment,spunand ca e curent !

si deschid geamul 5 min. ca sa intre ,un pic aer ! mai,mananc o bomboana ,mai rasfoiesc intre timp,o rev . ma uit,nitel,pe o carte, "Cum, in ce anotimp, salasluieste arta .. >" bla-bla-bla adorm .

Contele Dracula: ma acopera ,cu paturica mea ,de lana si chefir, si isi reia cititul ..
Rad: Adorm

Imi reiau destinatzia,spre un drum uitat !..trecand de gara,drumul ma duce spre pajisti necunoscute,feeria unui lung sir,de vise lucide si melancolice ,gonind in graba,spre destinul mult asteptat,de o iubire stranie.

Alergand prin vise

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